ABOUT THE EVENT Why attend Maacom 2022

Women Empowerment

We seek to educate women from the pastoralist communities on activities that they can undertake to convert locally available resources to monetary wealth.

Great Speakers

We have a great lineup of speakers and moderators for Maacom 2022.


Providing universal healthcare through social insurance. We need creative solutions to improve healthcare provision to the pastoralist community.

Event Activities

Great list of activities lined up for Maacom 2022. Panel sessions, booth tours, video sessions and so much more.

Our Solution

MAACOM - 2022 Women’s Forum Objectives

The expected outcomes of the MAACOM – 2022 Women’s Forum are as follows:

  • Showcase a viable/sustainable dairy business solution, namely, the containerized dairy plant.
  • Explore available financial solutions for the support of the pilot projects.
  • Establish a credible database of beneficiaries of the milk processing plant.
  • Replication of mini Enkanasa milk processing plants by the 11 counties that will be represented on the day.
  • Signing of MOU between stakeholders in attendance.
  • Documentation of way forward.

MAACOM 2022 Attend Maacom 2022